Black Water Security - Team

Providing intelligence and counterintelligence services since 2002.

Computer Forensics & IT Security Services

“Business today is dominated by the computer, both as a working tool and as means of international communication; it is also the fastest growing area of white-collar crime”

Computer Forensic Services

Our Computer Forensics team have extensive experience in the handling and analysis of computer data evidence to support criminal convictions, or as part of an intelligence gathering exercise.

Corporate espionage, fraud and counterfeiting all involve computer technology at some stage and it is a constant battle to stay up-to-date with the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

Our Black Water Security computer forensics team is headed by Eric Thompson, a true professional with many years of experience with high level US Government and military computer systems and networking. Eric has managed and overseen many projects, from those with London law firms through to large corporate clients in North America.

With the growth of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)* eavesdropping devices are becoming smaller and more complex. This makes them harder to detect without the right TSCM equipment. *Also referred to as Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access (FOMA) or 3GSM.


Over the past two years we have seen a huge rise in not only computer hacking, but also in the hacking of websites.

Our anti-hacking services cover:

  • Prevention of virus attacks
  • High level virus scan
  • Malware detection
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Blacklist and reputation monitoring

Blacklisting by Google is highly damaging for the reputation of any company. Our team of experts are able to analyse malware affected websites and online stores and clear any infection. In many cases this can be done quite quickly, limiting the downtime of your website and any damage to your reputation.

Counter Espionage

As part of our Counter Espionage services, our Computer Forensics team are able to trace weaknesses within your network and identify any areas that have been subject to the attention of hackers, or those carrying out subversive activities against your organisation. We recommend the use of high-specification 256-Bit data encryption systems as an added security measure and are able to supply this system with technical backup.

Our computer forensics and IT security services cover:

  • Hidden access, deleted or password protected files
  • Finding files/records from vast fields of data
  • Establishing unauthorised transmission of information to others
  • Interrogating ex-employees workstations/laptops
  • System integrity surveys
  • Monitoring internal and external traffic
  • 256-Bit encryption systems
  • Email interception

Post investigation, our Computer Forensic team can produce sworn affidavits to accompany any recovered data and also act as Expert Witnesses in presenting any complex technical evidence to Court or Tribunal.

We maintain the integrity of any evidence, in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), by ensuring that the computer data is not altered, thus enabling us to produce a forensically sound, true mirror image of that data.

Contact Us

+44 207 7911627

Case Studies

Securing Communications

IP Theft and Intelligence Leak

Related Press Articless

Tapping, but not my feet, The Circuit Magazine, 2014

Who's Watching You?, BBC, 2006

Spies in the boardroom, Public Security Magazine, 2005

Countering Espionage (A modern threat),Inersec Magazine, 2005

Black Water Security

88 Kingsway, London


United Kingdom

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