Black Water Security - Team

Providing intelligence and counterintelligence services since 2002.

International litigation support intelligence

In business society today, disputes and frauds are all too common, the stakes are high and the cost to your company can be enormous

Litigation Support Services

Since 2002, we have provided both intelligence and specialist security services in support of litigation, very often being instructed by legal counsel. Our management and intelligence teams are well-versed in providing litigation support and fully understand the restraints and practices of legal professionals. Our specialist services that have included the deployment of former Special Forces and Intelligence Services personnel, are tailored to suit individual case needs, requirements and locations.

Black Water Security has provided support on litigation cases of considerable size, some lasting many years and being extremely complex, including one valued at £10Bn and also the largest and longest running litigation case in British legal history that involved two Middle Eastern Countries.

Our clients range from sovereign states through to large international corporations and cover a number of sectors, from the automobile and aviation sectors, through to the oil and gas and pharma sectors. The type of project we have worked on include well-established international counterfeiting operations, Intellectual Property theft and other commercial disputes including theft.

Disputed facts require detailed investigation, reconstruction and interpretation. Complex cases require specialist financial and intelligence analysis skills. The nature of cross-border, sensitive or high value cases means that our clients often require our full range of services.

Our litigation support can include:

  • Surveillance & Investigations
  • Close Protection
  • Electronic Countermeasures
  • Counterintelligence
  • Computer Forensics
Litigation Support Services

We can offer a wide range of service in support of our clients, our Close Protection, Counter Surveillance and Electronic Countermeasures can be brought together as a package in order to protect our clients from intimidation and harassment, and also to make any surveillance being carried out on them both impractical and non-effective.

Dispute Resolution & Evidence

We are very much client-led when it comes to evidential goals and we work to a high evidential thresholds in all of our commercial litigation investigations. Evidence gained via investigation, surveillance & computer forensics will support the paper trail and can in many cases provide leverage to obtain out of court settlement and early dispute resolution.

Contact Us

+44 207 7911627

Case Studies

Securing Communications

IP Theft and Intelligence Leak

Related Press Articless

Tapping, but not my feet, The Circuit Magazine, 2014

Who's Watching You?, BBC, 2006

Spies in the boardroom, Public Security Magazine, 2005

Countering Espionage (A modern threat),Inersec Magazine, 2005

Black Water Security

88 Kingsway, London


United Kingdom

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